Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Concept and Practice of Depreciation

The concept and practice of depreciation plays an integral part in a company†s cash flow situation and funding. The two main reasons this occurs are that firstly depreciation is a for of self finance, and secondly because a company does not have to pay taxes on depreciation, hence excluding taxation from a cash amount which enlarges the cash flow of a company. As a term, depreciation is defined as a loss in value, a diminishment in market price, always taking the time factor into account, because the view point of depreciation is always a rate of change in value in an asset (fixed or current) compared to the present value of that asset. If a company purchases or rents machinery, or any sort of equipment used for production purposes, it has to take into account the purchased or rented good†s production life span, meaning that everything has a certain period of time in which it contributes to production before it is rendered useless. I use the term useless in the sense that what is produced does not bring profit to the company due to wear and tear resulting in production time loss and a lower standard of quality. The time based usefulness of an asset of course varies depending on what the asset is. If it is a van for example, its usefulness might be seven years before the van needs replacing, but if it is a building we are talking about, its usefulness may be forty years. For example, is a JCB digger were to be purchased in 2000 at the value of  £15000, and its productive life span were to be eight years, this would mean that in eight years time, the digger purchased would cease to be of any productive use to the company which purchased it. If it were to be resoled in 2008 though, its value would have depreciated drastically due to the time lapse from the initial purchase. Its depreciation, hence its devaluation, is its year zero value less an annual percentage of the devaluation process updated annually. Depreciation does not only apply to current assets, but also is applicable to fixed asset as well. Buildings for example lose their value too taking the time scale factor into account. If a building is purchased in 1970 as a newly built structure, its value will have definitely decreased in 2025 by the depreciation rate estimated. The way depreciation is worked out is by subtracting the rate of depreciation (of the year in question) from the present value. The rate of depreciation varies from year to year by its power (in the process of the annual 1 multiplied by the percentage rate of depreciation) being the year number of its depreciation and its depreciation rate possibly varying from year to year. Because depreciation is subtracted from the assets of a financial statement, it is not subject to taxation, therefore the company has automatically achieved a higher cash flow status by depreciating its assets, the worth of its capital value. We can see this in the following mock cash flow calculation (Last Page). In the first and second row, because depreciation is included, the cash and accounting sum of depreciation is not taxed, this leaves the company with more cash flow compared to the third column of the calculation sheet where depreciation is not included. This form of saving, or investing, not only allows a company to have a greater financial mobility in the market it is involved in, but also ensures the replacement of necessary current and fixed assets needed for production purposes. The best way for a firm to be financed it through self finance, and since depreciation is retained cash for future asset replacement, it is a form of self financing. This saves the company paying out interest rates on bank loans for example, an external source of finance which demands a price for the service provided to the company.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Briefly Explain the Idealist Approach to International Relations

Topic: Briefly explain the Idealist approach to International Relations. To get an insight of what realism and liberalism is all about four (4) questions must be asked and answered and before asking- What is Liberalism/Idealism? Those questions are: what is a theory? Why theories are necessary? What is hypothesis? And how many types of theories are there? All these questions will give basic knowledge about the three theories of international relations; but the topic sets a limit to how many theories to cover and that theory is liberalism/idealism. What is a theory? According to gavilan, a theory simplifies reality.It is a perspective which tells you where to look. A statement of cause and effect/outcome- what correlates? Why does this regularity occur? The cause and effect underlined above implies the independent or explanatory variable and dependent variable respectively. Why are theories necessary? (1) Too much information available to be able to process it without guidance about w hat is relevant or irrelevant. (2) No rational action without hypothesis about cause and effect. What is hypothesis? Every theory brings out hypothesis. A hypothesis is a testable implication of a theory. Evidence supports a theory but does not prove it.How many types of theories are there? There are three major theories; these theories are: Realism, Liberalism, and Constructivism. Constructivism is divided into Marxism and Post- modernism and Post- structuralism. After knowing all these, the question- what is idealism/liberalism? Can be asked, but, due to the relation of liberalism/idealism with reciprocity principle the definition of collective goods problem should be stated. Collective good problem is how a group of nations serve the/its group interest or collective interest by doing so members to forfeit their individual interest.In other words, it is the problem of shared interest versus competing interest. It solves the problem of how to provide something that benefits every m ember regardless of what each member contribute. Idealism/liberalism: According to Goldstein et al, â€Å"like any other international relation theory has no general definition, but it sees the rules of IR as gradually evolving through time and becoming more passive- such advancement results chiefly from the gradual build up of international organizations and mutual cooperation (reciprocity) and secondarily from change in norms and public opinion (identity). The definition in the continuing note is in accord to gavilan â€Å"According to Kegley and Wittkopt (2006: pg28), ‘liberalism is known as a paradigm anticipated on hope that the appliance of reason and universal principles to international relations can lead to a more organizes, impartial, and cooperative world, and that international anarchy [lack of world government] ad war can be supervised by institutional reforms that empower international organizations and laws’† Liberal theories of IR try to explain how peace and cooperation are possible.It gives instances of how realism offers mostly the principle of dominance to solve the collective goods problems of IR, while it (idealism) draws its solution mostly on the reciprocity and identity principle. Assumptions of Liberalism/Idealism According to jefferyfields (n. d) [Online], the following are assumptions of idealism. 1. â€Å"Human nature is effectively good or humane: People are capable of mutual aid and collaboration through reason and ethically inspired education. † Jefferyfields (n. d) [Online] 2. â€Å"The fundamental human concern for others’ welfare makes progress possible. jefferyfields (n. d) [Online] 3. â€Å"Bad human behaviour, such as violence, is the product not of flawed people but of evil institutions that encourage people to act selfishly and to harm others. † jefferyfields (n. d) [Online] 4. â€Å"War and international anarchy are not inevitable and war’s frequency can be reduced by s trengthening the institutional arrangements that encourage its disappearance. † jefferyfields (n. d) [Online] 5. â€Å"War is a global problem requiring collective or multilateral, rather than national, efforts to control it. jefferyfields (n. d) [Online] 6. â€Å"Reforms must be inspired by a compassionate ethical concern for the welfare and security of all people, and this humanitarian motive requires the inclusion of morality in statecraft. † jefferyfields (n. d) [Online] 7. â€Å"International society must reorganize itself in order to eliminate the institutions that make war likely, and states must reform their political systems so that self-determination and democratic governance within states can help pacify relations among states. † jefferyfields (n. d) [Online]Prisoners Dilemma Giving an example of two prisoners who are incarcerated; noting that they are meeting for the first time- the options given to them would either be to turn on each other or coope rate with each other. The two prisoners are likely to turn on each other or not cooperate with each other because of the condition of their meeting. The given example displays the nature of countries in the international system when approached with similar problem or decision. The self protecting nature of states renders cooperation impractical.This is in line with the prisoners who decline to cooperate with one another because they either do not trust one another or want to protect their interest. Conclusion In conclusion, the international relation theory called liberalism is an argument against the realist view. According to Goldstein et al (2012 pg86)A, if dominance solution is offered mostly by the realist or realism to solve the collective goods problems of I. R. , alternative theories draw mostly on the reciprocity and identity principles. These theories are more optimistic than realism about the prospect of peace.Goldstein et al (2012 pg86)B said, â€Å"realist see the law of power politics as relatively timeless and unchanging, while liberal theorists view I. R. rules as gradually evolving through time and becoming more peaceful- such advancement results chiefly from the gradual build up of international organizations and mutual cooperation (reciprocity) and secondarily from change in norms and public opinion (identity). Liberal theory among others holds that we are not doomed to a country of recurring war but can achieve a more peaceful world. † In addition, in accord with Goldstein et al (2012 pg86) liberal theory eviews domestic politics and foreign policy making, unlike realism, which places importance on domestic and individual levels of analysis in explaining state behaviour. All this display the peaceful nature/motive of the liberal theorist. BIBLOGRAPHY Goldstein, S. J. Pevehouse, J. C. (2012) International Relations (Tenth Edition) United States: Pearson. http://hhh. gavilan. edu/mturetzky/pols4/TheoreticalPerspectivesLiberalismRealism . htm http://jeffreyfields. net/427/Site/Blog/3C90C230-B47B-4894-8E8E-F4C5078BDD88_files/Rourke-Realism,%20Liberalism,%20Constructivism. pdf http://www. princeton. edu/~amoravcs/library/preferences. pdf

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Business Capstone Project Responsibility

The investigation introduced in the paper highlights the importance of product market based on money spent on packaging (size, labelling, color material and design) and the way it has been constitutes to be one of the ponents in the customer perception. Nevertheless, there has been effective contribution towards the quality packaging of the product that further adds weight to the research. Moreover, investment done on packaging can be analyzed based on the Australian supermarkets Coles and ALDI and the way it had been supporting in decision making of buying milk products from the store. Packaging is the process of evaluation through design, distribution, labelling, and colour that helps in giving a pretty face to the customers view so that it can attempt to attract customers’ attention to motivate the product’s consumption. However, packaging remains to be i plete if there is no design, style, colour, shape or the material used, as they are deemed appealing to the customers irrespective of the choices made by them. On the other hand, appearance of the product not only adds to be the means of munication for the brand but also helps in conveying brand meaning to the customers (Schleenbecker and Hamm 2013). There are several ways that product designs influence consumer preference. The design of a product determines consumers ´ first impression of the product and quickly can municate product advantage. In addition, the design of a product will generate consumer inferences regarding several product attributes. Furthermore, the product or package appearance can reinforce the image of a brand, as the identity of a brand is expressed visually in the appearance of products (Riley, Martins da Silva and Behr 2015). Although, there are large individual and time-specific differences in the experience of colour and form, there are certain associations that seem to be relatively constant. Overviews of the influence of colour and form on consumer perception of symbolic value (and ergonomic and aesthetic value as well). For example, angular forms are associated with masculinity and dynamism, while roundness evokes femininity and softness (Raheem, Vishnu and Ahmed 2014). On the other hand, when it es to milk products, the packaging needs to be soothing as well as feminine such that with a picture of cow with white background can be forting to eyes as well as eye catching. However, the packaging concept in milk should be regular and not so fancy because they are obtained from natural plants (Okenwa 2016). Moreover, labelling of the pack should be highlighting more on nutrient balance, amount per saving and ingredients. Aldi and Coles, being one of the top retail stores in Australia wish to see their product shelved and making profit. Although, initially, the profit might be cut but later the same process will lead to more sales. Conversely, the use of sale packaging according to customer perception held to be of relevant factors in optimization. This is because from an environment as well as economical perspective, though it’s a costly venture but primary research showed that needs of customers for products like milk and baby care products can only be satisfied based on performance, reliability and packaging (Alvarez et al. 2016). Accordingly, it can be said that, packaging even constitute to be an important aspects that Coles and Aldi should focus on as it adds value to customer perception. In addition, shape, size, design and colour needs to be maintained so that the customers remain inclined towards a product like milk which can be added value through consistency. Milk/food packaging is the holder that holds, secures, saves and distinguishes the item, and which likewise encourages capacity and mercialization. Packaging likewise assumes a noteworthy part in drawing in customer consideration and affecting shopper buy choices. Concerning, current packaging market, bundling gives sustenance organizations the last opportunity to convince customers to purchase the item before brand choice. Along these lines, all bundling ponents must be consolidated to pull in the shopper when acquiring the product. However, the quality in packaging is perceived on two views- first is perceived quality and the second is objective quality. Perceived quality is different from actual reality as it is a higher level of abstraction than a particular attribute towards the products. As a result, the judgement is only made based on the consumer suggested set. The perceived quality differs from objective quality but it not only helps in adding ideal standards but it also helps in analysing the packaged goods based on technical and manufacturing based quality. However, when it es to sensitive products like baby care and milk products, the superiority and excellence of material attracts the consumer while paying more attention to the concept â€Å"health† (Jhandir 2012). The perceived quality ponent can be explained with the specific and intrinsic attributes to infer as well as indicate quality that not only sustains to higher level of abstract dimensions but also generalizes to quality of products. Figure: Perceived Quality ponent Source: (Akdeniz, Calantone and Voorhees 2013) When we analysed the â€Å"Total Food Quality Model† the â€Å"health† dimension not only adds to the perceived quality of the product but also helps the customers in decision-making. According to (), TFQM integrates the multi-featured and the various levelled ways to deal with quality recognition. In addition, it incorporates two other real ponents of shopper conduct in milk products and organic products, in particular the aim to buy, as a trade-off between give and take segments and the clarification of customer fulfilment, as the variation amongst experienced and expected quality (Yin et al. 2016). The following diagram that studies the basic outline of before purchase can be given as under. The model accordingly incorporates rationale or worth satisfaction, the way satisfaction of the customers adds to the a plishment of coveted ou es and qualities. External/ Outward cues, for example, label and information create assumptions about u monly high eating quality; precisely, giving the customer a sentiment extravagance and delight of life. The qualities looked for by buyers will not only affect quality measurements that are looked for but also studies the changed cues that could be seen and addressed. The grouping from prompts/cues, through quality increases the buy intentions based on the hierarchy of progressively theoretical intellectual order (Beneke et al. 2013). The packaging ultimately adds and signifies the overall features as well as uniqueness and originality to the sensory evaluation of milk products that help in brand preferences and municates favourable as well as implied meaning of the product (Drake et al. 2009). When it es to milk products, it is important that the nutritional value of the product is added highlighting good quality protein, easily digestible fat, source of iron and vitamin with calcium. Although, package labelling constitutes to be the â€Å"sense of seeing† that adds additional value. Moreover, sales of the packaging can only be increased by shelf impact, band imagery and functional and satisfaction after using the product (Young 2016). Accordingly, packaging helps in increasing sales of the product majorly, through its size and design and the way customer perceive it quality to be after going through the facts stated through labelling. In addition, it links to business value as an evidence while documenting shoppers decision. The sales helps on the impact of preference as well as petition in the market because Coles and Aldi are petitors justifying their packaging through price while ensuring market share at the same time. On the other hand, foster packaging innovation will lead to mitment and process while assessing new concepts in the marketing world. Corporate Social Responsibility ensures sustainability because of its corporate philanthropic nature tha not only directly benefits the shareholders but also in building brand imaging. CSR portrays the degree to which authoritative results are steady with societal qualities and desires. At its grass roots, being socially mindful has been a worry especially related to the justification that organizations will probably do well in a thriving society than in one that is going into disrepair (Gurung 2013). In today’s petitive marketplace, packaging with the organization guarantees economic profitability. However, to operate in the healthy society, it is important that the resources emphasized to the product offerings are not harmful and are not discontinued in the environment such that pany can emphasise environmentally friendly manufacturing and packaging materials (Sparks, Perkins and Buckley 2013). On the other hand, when it es to packaging, full disclosure about materials as well as origin is important to meet the practices of reporting and meeting the goals. Packaging is the only basis through which the organization depicts its CSR to the customers. Product bundling has the capacity that fits for CSR messages, since it permits purchasers to show their backing of capable organizations to themselves as well as other people, and the data is promptly accessible to them. Besides, the significance of packaging as a promoting tool is progressively recognized, since it empowers promoting munication to happen in the genuine acquiring circumstance and it a panies with the buyers into their homes (Pedersen 2013). The basic functions of packaging holds to be true for protection, preservation, facilitating distribution, promoting customer choice as well as consumer convenience. This form of marketing munication of CSR through packaging is unique because it not only enforces the purchase decision but also adds value to the product every time it is used. As per the list, it is important that environmental and health consciousness can likely occur on packages which can be considered as a value driven package consideration for environment and social causes. However, CSR can be beneficial to packaging through the elements of packaging influencing consumer’s purchase behaviour (Kuvykaite, Dovaliene and Navickiene 2015). Figure: Elements of Package and Consumer’s Purchase Behaviour Source: (Kuvykaite, Dovaliene and Navickiene 2015) However, when analysed on milk products, a brand logo that depicts a cow with a pleasing punch line as well as visual representation of environmentally checked product can not only receive environmental friendly process but also signifies a colour and size that looks fit for the kids. Moreover, milk products also employs labelling to convey CSR on the package and represent the product as responsibly manufactured which can be used while ensuring sustainability standards (Deselnicu, Costanigro and Thilmany 2012). Accordingly, the Corporate Social Responsibility and packaging labelling and design not only adds to the customers value but also ensures that the product is safe and secure. However, Aldi and Coles should also depicts their CSR through Products as external practices may be visible but internal practices can attract and retain the customers in the long run. The brand preference and packaging expenditure are moreover a relationship that is negatively influenced in a way that as the brand preference increases, the organization can lessen its expense on packaging while lowering expenditure. On the other hand, brand preference is assumed to be beneficial only when the product is recognized in the market and the customers are known to the alternatives. However, it is important that buying decision making should be   observed based on the impact of change that is significant on consumer perception, needs and tests, while additionally, adding products that are manufactured as well as changed on their subsequent positioning. Although, these changes have influenced consumer awareness but also have increased demand for products leading to expenditure in packaging depending on the consumer choices (Ahaiwe and Ndubuisi 2015). To conclude, it can be said that packaging holds to have equal important that any other marketing strategy used in the products. However, organizations need to adapt to different methods of packaging that not only increases the product sales but at the same time increase the corporate social responsibility of the product. Moreover, the packaging expenditure needs to be initially invested to shelf the product but later once the brand preference increases, the packaging expenditure can be less and the changing can be made in the process of innovation. Ahaiwe, E.O. and Ndubuisi, U., 2015. The Effect Of Packaging Characteristics On Brand Preference For Cosmetics Products In Abia State, Nigeria.  British Journal of Marketing Studies,  3(8), pp.79-90. Akdeniz, B., Calantone, R.J. and Voorhees, C.M., 2013. Effectiveness of marketing cues on consumer perceptions of quality: The moderating roles of brand reputation and thirdà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ party information.  Psychology & Marketing,  30(1), pp.76-89. Alvarez, A., Garcà ­a-Cornejo, B., Pà ©rez-Mà ©ndezà ¢Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ‚  c, J.A. and Roibà ¡s, D., 2016. Diversification in Spanish Dairy Farms: Key Drivers of Performance.EEvery Generation Needs Its Leaders., p.163. Beneke, J., Flynn, R., Greig, T. and Mukaiwa, M., 2013. The influence of perceived product quality, relative price and risk on customer value and willingness to buy: a study of private label merchandise.  Journal of Product & Brand Management,  22(3), pp.218-228. Deselnicu, O., Costanigro, M. and Thilmany, D., 2012. Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives and Consumer Preferences in the Dairy Industry. In2012 Annual Meeting, August 12-14, 2012, Seattle, Washington  (No. 124616). Agricultural and Applied Economics Association. Drake, M.A., Drake, S., Clark, S., Costello, M., Drake, M. and Bodyfelt, F., 2009. The Sensory Evaluation of dairy products. Grunert, K.G., 2005. Food quality and safety: consumer perception and demand.  European Review of Agricultural Economics,  32(3), pp.369-391. Gurung, R., 2013. The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives and Customer Centric Initiatives on Customers. Jhandir, S.U., 2012. Customer satisfaction, perceived service quality and mediating role of perceived value.  International Journal of Marketing Studies,4(1). Kuvykaite, R., Dovaliene, A. and Navickiene, L., 2015. Impact of package elements on consumer’s purchase decision.  Economics and Management, (14), pp.441-447. Okenwa, N.J., 2016.  Consumer Acceptance of Made in Nigeria Packaged Food Products in Enugu (A Study of Packaged Cosmetics and Food Products)  (Doctoral dissertation). Pedersen, A. 2013.  CSR munication via Product Packaging: A General Discussion and an analysis of Innocent Drinks. Available at:,%20June%2010 [Accessed 15 Sep. 2016]. Raheem, A.R., Vishnu, P. and Ahmed, A.M., 2014. Impact of product packaging on consumer’s buying behavior.  European Journal of Scientific Research,  120(2), pp.145-157. Riley, D., Martins da Silva, P. and Behr, S., 2015. The impact of packaging design on health product perceptions. Schleenbecker, R. and Hamm, U., 2013. Consumers’ perception of organic product characteristics. A review.  Appetite,  71, pp.420-429. Sparks, B.A., Perkins, H.E. and Buckley, R., 2013. Online travel reviews as persuasive munication: The effects of content type, source, and certification logos on consumer behavior.  Tourism Management,  39, pp.1-9. Yin, S., Chen, M., Chen, Y., Xu, Y., Zou, Z. and Wang, Y., 2016. Consumer trust in organic milk of different brands: the role of Chinese organic label.British Food Journal,  118(7). Young, S. 2016.  Documenting the "Business Value" of New Packaging Innovations - Perception Research Services International. Prsresearch . Available at: https://www.prsresearch /prs-insights/article/documenting-the-business-value-of-new-packaging-innovations/ [Accessed 15 Sep. 2016].

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Labor studies Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Labor studies - Research Paper Example The body gets into the resolution of disputes over the foreign market access and on the issues that influence the trade patterns between the signatories (Howse 134). All these are done with the intent of improving the lives of the people in these regions through free and fair trade between the countries. The objective to improve the lives of people on the trade links and platforms by the WTO are based on the efforts to ensure full employment to the people and regulation of the labor standards. The body was formed by the world laborers who wanted to improve the living standards of the workers through the establishment a candid and sound body to advocate for the rights of the laborers. The WTO has the power to review the laws of a nation which promote the unfair treatment of the workers. These laws are reviewed and various issues addressed so that the workers’ rights are advocated for. Through this mechanism, the WTO advocates for the lower wages for the workers. The organization also strives to meet the demands of the laborers on the issues linked to the labor rights and the free trade agreements and negotiations (Howse 131). Ideologically, it is proved to be wrong and unfair when the producers of the developed industrial countries compete with the imports from the nations with the low wage rates and poor labor standards. The economic effects of the unfavorable competitions are likely to lead to comparative disadvantages to the low wage-rates countries and their workforce. The general objective of the WTO in relation to the improvement of the living standards of the workers has been met through a number of actions in trying to protect the rights of the workers (Powell 91). The World Trade Organization has used the following strategies to realize the objective of creating the conditions of lower wages and the improvement of the lives of workers worldwide: The linking of labor rules is a method that has been used by the WTO to improve the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Business Strategy in a Global Environment Case Study - 2

Business Strategy in a Global Environment - Case Study Example Samsung ensures that all of its raw materials are procured from legal sources like the US, Thailand, Russia, etc (Samsung, 2008). Owing to the highly reputed brand image and high financial strengths, Samsung is often able to exert influence on the supplier companies and thereby controlling the supply chain. However, Samsung is dependent on particular companies for procurement of certain integrated circuit equipments. However, the company maintains a good relationship with its suppliers so as to ensure a long term sustainable sourcing of raw materials (Marketline, 2014). Capability 2 (Manufacturing): The manufacturing process of a firm is the most important capability, as it produces the products for the company which is sold to generate revenue. Samsung owns several manufacturing plants in more than 80 countries (Grobart, 2013). It allows the company to increase the production level in the host countries. It has also enabled the company to manufacture at a lower cost and sell products at a lower price compared to exporting from home country. Samsung leverages the comparative advantage of host countries by utilizing the low cost skilled labours, particularly in the Asian markets. The company used the most technologically advanced tools and equipments to manufacture its products. As a result, its production process is highly cost effective and yields large volume at lesser time. Samsung also employs skilled labours and trains them to increase individual efficiency, which in turn increases the production output of the facility (Samsung, 2015). The man ufacturing process is highly energy efficient which allows the company to operate in an environmentally sustainable way by reducing its carbon foot print. Moreover, Samsung continuously looks forward to expand its production capacities. It has invested nearly $15 billion to develop a new manufacturing plant in Seoul (Market watch, 2014). Capability 3 (Distribution):

Monday, August 26, 2019

Trend analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Trend analysis - Essay Example The clothing line is always in fashion and adjusted to the changing trends. In addition to this, the clothes and accessories are 100 % US made and their designing and manufacturing is not outsourced to other countries. 1. COUTURE CLASSIC: Couture classic is the main source of revenue for the company. It is targeted towards people who love distinctive fabric. The clothes are hand-tailored and cover tailored shirts, pants, vests and leather jackets. According to the company’s sales person, the collection is aimed for high stitching and high sewing. The clothes are custom made and designed according to the requirements of private clients. Keeping in view the company’s product line, the competition in the fashion industry of Los Angeles is very intense. The largest concentrations of fashion designers work in either California or New York. Los Angeles ranks as a global fashion center (industry information of fashion designers). It is the largest manufacturing area in the western U.S. and home of many top designers. A short look at the competitors of Couture, the clothing company is given below: 1. DOMESTIC COMPETITORS: The local competitors of couture are Juicy couture, Oscar de la Renta, Cherokee jeans, 1921 Denim, Butterfly dropout, Affliction clothing, Antic denim, Davinci clothing, Catch a fire clothing, Salvage, Smet clothing etc. These designers cover the â€Å"breadth of clothing lines† under their roofs (Los Angeles fashion industry profile 12) 2. INTERNATIONAL COMETITORS: The international labels competing in the fashion industry of LA, California are Nike, Crossroads, Armani, Levis, Adidas, Diesel, Dolce and Gabbana, Gucci, Armani, Versace, Fendi, Prada, Copula, Ebba etc. In addition to this, the retail and wholesale stores in LA fashion district has made the clothing industry much more competitive. Therefore, Couture has to use forward looking strategies

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Obvious Solution to a Problem in the Work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Obvious Solution to a Problem in the Work - Essay Example During my employment in Science lab a chemist, I was a member of a research that required collecting and evaluating a considerable total of information pertaining to the human mind as we were attempting to create a vaccine. We were so mixed up at that time because all my further experiments depend upon that result and then we began to guess about it. We reprised the whole experiment again just to attain certain that there is no human error in our stamping ground and we had to manage the analysis again which may forbid it. Â  And so it got very clear that a dissimilar case of analysis would have been more pertinent to the problem and would have given results that supported our theory. We changed the regression technique within the model and re-ran the data. I would have concentrated mainly on the robustness of the information we accumulated and then progress to a correct analysis on which our whole research depended.

Pick up one on civic engagment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Pick up one on civic engagment - Essay Example Democracy is a political unit where all its members have the mandate to manage it. A democracy is however controlled by a leader who has the majority backing of the people. Citizenship on the other hand refers to the person who has an entitlement to the rights and privileges of the society that he lives in as a freeman. According to Ricky van Oers (2010), citizenship involves a person living in a state and swearing his allegiance to it and therefore has an entitlement to its protection. Therefore, citizenship, democracy and civic engagement have similar roles in the progress of a society. Civic engagement therefore refers to the qualitative development of the society by use of both political means and non-political means (Oers, Ersboll, & Kostakopoulou, 2010 ). This paper seeks to make integration between leadership and democracy by first expounding on the roles of the civic engagement to the society’s economic strength and then analyze the effects of lack of democracy to the economy of a society. Role of civic engagement to the local economy The society is made up of the involvement of all the sociological perspectives which are the family, the school, the church and the media (Ehrlich, 2000). The importance of the society involvement to the development thereof cannot be under estimated. The first role of civic engagement is the promotion of peace and harmonious living among the people of a society. A civil society that is based on the strength of all the citizens in promoting its activities stands to remain economically viable. The peace has to exist between the citizens and the government depending on the governance method used. The society is usually connected to the government by the civil society organizations regardless of the method of ruler ship in place. In situations where the government is facing a social strife, the vulnerability of the society will make the existence of personal engagement in economic activities that promote the wellbeing o f the society to cease. Researchers have shown that the existence of a public sector that is sound is largely dependent on the society’s strong homogenous engagement in the open public realm. Much example can be drawn from the rich Congolese society in central Africa where there has never been harmonious co-existence of a strong society. This has led to continuous lack of peace in the central government and therefore unable to develop effectively. The second role of civic engagement is to help strike a balance between accountability by the government and the decision the society makes on leadership. The way to democracy, autocracy, authoritarianism or laissez faire type of leadership will largely depend on the type and level of civic engagement that the society decides to uphold. Most government crises are as a result of the continuous contradiction existing between the society and the government itself. In most cases, the society will to a large extend decide the type of lea dership it requires to put in place the development of the local economy. Therefore, the choice of a sound leader is not based on the loyalty to the ruling regime but substantially on the voice of the society. A member of the society who holds sound citizenship criterion loves his native land and acts to protect the legitimacy of the same place. Citizens have social accountability this accountability is directed towards the society. From the sociological philosophy, it is said that building a family is building

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Jean Watson's Caring theory Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Jean Watson's Caring theory - Term Paper Example Nursing theory aims at providing the principles that underpin practice and hence help in generating further nursing knowledge. They therefore help in simplifying the nursing profession because they lay out procedures and guidelines that should be followed by nurses while undertaking their duties and responsibilities (Sitzman & Watson, 2014) . Therefore, there must be an agreement in the professional literature on these nursing theories so that confusion, that has caused many people to dismiss them as irrelevant to practice, may not arise. This confusion must be avoided so that importance of nursing theories in practice is embraced (Watson & Watson, 2012). In this article we are going to look at Jean Watsons Philosophy of Nursing. This is a philosophy of science and caring that assists in the examination of the relatedness of ALL and hence comprises human caring processes, human science, phenomena and experiences (Sitzman & Watson, 2014). The discussion will be divided into four sections: Section one contains an analysis of the importance of nursing theory, in general, to the nursing profession; Section two is a summary of key concepts and relationships among the concepts of the selected nursing theory; Section three presents a discussion of how the selected nursing theory views nursing leadership, nursing education, nursing informatics, or health policy, along with 2 real-life examples illustrating the views; Section four is the conclusion. Firstly, nursing theory helps in predicting, describing, and explaining all the phenomena of nursing. This ensures that the phenomena are well understood especially by the nurses in order for them to carry out their day to day duties and responsibilities effectively (Watson & Watson, 2012). Secondly, the nursing theories should aim at providing the basic foundations of nursing practice. This in turn helps in generating further

Friday, August 23, 2019

Foreign Language Education in China and Multilingual Future Research Paper

Foreign Language Education in China and Multilingual Future - Research Paper Example This essay approves that information technology is being infused into face-to-face curricular programs. The concept of computer-assisted language learning is gaining popularity in many parts of the world. In this regard, Chinese can use technology to learn different languages from the comfort of their homes. The foreign language learners can access free tutorials, without the need for published materials. The learners can even access online periodicals to practice reading and learn other foreign cultures. They could even get help from other users in online forums and social media platforms. Most importantly, the learners could learn multiple foreign languages through immersion. This strategy requires the learner to interact with the more experienced users. Through the internet, the learners could trace their progress and improve in deficient areas. Learners have two options: they could either use their mobile phones or access online courses through computers. This report makes a conclusion that there is a general perception that English is the perfect choice for intercultural communication and therefore it is universally used for global communication. However, given that three-quarters of the world population is non-English speaking, other languages should too be appreciated. In the Chinese context, the government should consider introducing other foreign language in the curriculum and encourage independent learning among the locals. It is expected that promoting multilingualism in China will provide the residents with better opportunities for advancement and increase global political and economic interdependence.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Hyatt hotel -entrepreneur Essay Example for Free

Hyatt hotel -entrepreneur Essay How does it feel to stay in one of the most expensive and most luxurious hotels in the world? How does it feel to have all sorts of amenities and numerous variations that enhance the quality and satisfaction of a client’s stay at a hotel? No, it is not too good to be true since the establishment of the Hyatt Corporation in 1957. Hyatt’s first property called the Hyatt House was built at the International Airport of Los Angeles. Currently, there are over 215 Hyatt branded hotels and resorts in 43 different countries around the world. Hyatt Corporations includes the Hyatt, Grand Hyatt, Park Hyatt, and Hyatt Regency brands. Hyatt opened their first overseas hotel, the Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, in 1969. It was later on in the 1980s when the Park Hyatt and the Grand Hyatt brands were introduced. There are hotels located in many culturally diverse rich destinations that attract not only families, but also business travelers as well. These hotels include sophisticated technology, leisure, banquet, and conference facilities, and state of the art technology. Hyatt Corporations are most known for their deluxe and exclusive hotels located in major and secondary cities throughout the entire world. This international corporation has brought about more than 20,000 jobs opportunities for many around the world. It has provided excellent customer services and as an international hospitality industry, they also hold conferences, banquet parties, and catering events. It was not easy to set up an interview with the entrepreneur of this Grand Hyatt Hotel, Hyatt R. von Dehn, but I was able to meet him in person at a conference that was held at Park Hyatt Los Angeles. In the end, I was able to catch his attention for the last ten minutes with my curious questions. Mr. Von Dehn briefly explained to me that when he originally began his own business, he was tired of working for other dominating bosses and he knew that it took money, which he had enough, to make more money. In the early stage of the business, he was not expecting to make a lot back on his revenues, but with the support of his family he was able to preview and share the vision of success with them. This brought out one of the main key points that he told to me focus on when it came to starting up a business: you have to be a self-motivated entrepreneur. A word of advice which he gave me was, â€Å"When you want to launch a successful business, it all depends on your own potentials and nobody else’s. † Make sure you choose to invest on something that you enjoy and that you are very passionate on. Every business established has numerous amounts of regulations and limitations that one must comply to. For Hyatt Hotels, there are a list of thirty different sanitary regulation, protection for the physical plant, and one of the most known would be the American with Disabilities Act (ADA). Hotels have to quality and comply with certain requirement which the government demands. These obligations may be related to certain fixtures that can vary from ceilings, walls, and flooring to telephones, water fountains, to cables. Sometimes certain regulation are not entirely necessary, however, Mr. Von Dehn himself stated that anything that will benefit the hotels and its customers is something necessary. Of course, it is more convenient for his Hyatt hotels to have fewer regulations, but he also admitted that as a result of these detailed regulations, it has allowed Hyatt Hotels to rank so highly in the hospitality industry. Currently, the hotel tax rate is 6 percent and all Hyatt hotel owners, managers, and operators must collect taxes from their guests. Taxes are applied to every sleeping room that is being rented out. Certain main cities and different countries can vary on tax rates for the hotels, but it can vary up to 7 percent. Mr. Von Dehn did not specify what benefits he received from the taxes, but one thing that he would like to change are the rate of taxes in major cities and various countries. Despite the fact that raising 2 or 3 percent on tax rates may not seem as much, when a busy hotel receives a lot of customers and clients, they also have to pay a higher hotel rate. Personally, I agree with him. I think that there should only be a specific tax rate for hotels that should be applied to most hotels. Like mentioned before, Hyatt is a private owned corporation that has many branded hotels and resorts: Hyatt Regency, Grand Hyatt, Hyatt, Park Hyatt, and Hyatt Resorts. Hyatt Corporations are located within the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean. International Corporations have Hyatt hotels and resorts overseas, such as China, Italy, Japan, Saudi Arabia, and much more. According to the financial statements for the Global Hyatt Corporation, it was recorded that in 2005, hotels and resorts employed over 88,647 employees. Hyatt Hotels provide its employees with significant and beneficial wages, healthcare, and pension increases every year. Employees that do not get tipped can range from having a wage increase from $12. 10 to $14. 60 per hour. Servers and the housekeeping department receive $3-$5 per hour plus tips, but when business is seldom, their bosses will increase their hourly rate to minimum wage plus tips. Working on a long contract, employees may receive an average 7 percent annual increase on their salaries. Hyatt Corporation, Inc – annual income statement December 2005 December 2004. Revenue $11,555. 00 $10,099. 00 Cost of Goods Sold $10,242,00 $9,015. 00 Gross Profit $1,308. 00 $1,084. 00 Gross Profit Margin 11. 3% 10. 7% Operating Income $555. 00 $477. 00 Operating Margin 4. 8% 4. 7% Non-operating Income $268. 00 $304. 00 Non-operating Expenses $106. 00 $99. 00 Income Before Taxes $717. 00 $654. 00 Income Taxes $94. 00 $100. 00 Net Income After Taxes $623. 00 $554. 00 Total Net Income $669. 00 $596. 00 Net Profit Margin 5. 8% 5. 9% *US Dollar amount in millions Hyatt Corporation has an economic profit in the year 2005 compared to 2004. To begin, there is no negative profit and this already showed automatic sign of profitability. Hyatt’s stocks are currently worth $47. 26 per share. They made a profit of over $1,456,000 from year to the next. Before when the industry was first established, business may no seem to go as well. nevertheless, it has been over five decades since its establishment and every hotel, resort, and vacation club creates a positive income and a profit. The competition for the hotel industry is always tight and competitive. Certain competitors include the Marriot Hotels, Sheraton Hotels, Ritz Hotels, and Hilton Hotels. Hyatt Hotels is a perfect competition where every hospitality industry fights for the beset positions and the highest ranking. This form of business does not perform neither homogeneous nor differentiated products since it is a hotel industry. For other firms to enter this business, investors must qualify for certain acts and requirements. In the long run the firm is continuously growing and economically profiting annually. I would definitely invest on buying Hyatt stocks because I know that their industry is yet to increase. I have stayed at Hyatt Hotels myself and I can tell everyone that clients and customers need not to worry because this five star hotel provides perfect satisfaction and quality to everyone. WORK CITED: Bulletin, Manila. â€Å"Hyatt Regency GM Farid Alain Schoucair: Living One Day at a Time. † 8 June 2003. Little, Rebecca. Lodging: Avoiding ADA violations that can cost you. http://www. lodgingmagazine. com/index. cfm? fm=Article. Detailaid=54 2006. â€Å"The Five-Star Stars. † Business Asia. Vol. 8: September 2000.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Origins of Psychology Essay Example for Free

Origins of Psychology Essay This theory was developed by Sigmund Freud in the early 1900’s and paved the way for modern psychology in the early 1900’s. This theory deals with the deep, inner and mysterious core of the human psyche, in search of understanding the psychology of the human being. It is also closely connected with evolutionary perspectives on personality. Behaviorist : The primary focus of the behavioral perspective is on behavior and the influence of the external environment in shaping of the individual’s behavior. Teaching, therefore, refers to the environmental conditions that are arranged and presented to students. Some of the key behaviorist theorists in the field of psychology are viz. , John Watson, B. F. Skinner, and E. L. Thorndike. Teachers who draw from behaviorist theory tend towards active learning (or learning by doing). The teacher determines all of the skills needed to achieve the desired behavior and students learn them in a step-by-step manner. Humanist : The focus of the humanistic perspective is on the self, which translates into YOU, and your perception of your experiences. This veiw argues that you are free to choose your own behavior, rather than reacting to environmental stimuli and reinforcers. Issues dealing with self-esteem, self-fulfillment, and needs are paramount. The major focus is to facilitate personal development. Two major theorists associated with this view are Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow. Cognitive : The school of psychology that examines internal mental processes, such as creativity, perception, thinking, problem solving, memory, and language. Cognitive psychologists are interested in how a person understands, diagnoses, and solves a problem, concerning themselves with the mental processes that mediate between stimulus and response (Garvey,1999) Neuro-scientific / Bio-psychological : The neuro-scientific framework seeks to relate behavior and mind to the brain. The important overall point of a neuro-scientific perspective is that analyses of normal or abnormal function need to be informed by an understanding of the brain structures and processes that implement the function. Psychiatrists need to monitor emerging work that highlights the need for both a neuro-scientific and medical perspective in the management of complex disorders. Evolutionary : Evolutionary psychology is the science that seeks to explain through universal mechanisms of behavior why humans act the way they do. Evolutionary psychology seeks to reconstruct problems that our ancestors faced in their primitive environments, and the problem-solving mechanisms they created to meet those particular challenges. From these reconstructed problem-solving adaptations, the science then attempts to establish the common roots of our ancestral behavior, and how those common behavioral roots are manifested today in the widely scattered cultures of the planet. The goal is to understand human behavior that is universally aimed at the passing of ones genes into the next generation. Socio-cultural : The social-cultural perspective concentrates on the culture of a group of individuals or society as a whole rather than the individual. To understand why people tend to show certain behavior traits, mental health clinicians look at what affects the community as a group of individuals might have on their own thought processes. Some of the questions pondered are if a person behaves a certain way to be accepted or commits an act because it is accepted amongst their society.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Cost Of The War On Drugs Philosophy Essay

The Cost Of The War On Drugs Philosophy Essay The War on Drugs was declared on June 17, 1971 by President Nixon, claiming at a press conference that drugs and their abuse are, public enemy number one in the United States (Frontline). Since that time, the War on Drugs has gone on to become the longest and most costly war in American history (Duke 15). The ever increasing expenditures, perceived infringement of constitutional rights, misinformation campaigns, imprisonments, and the seeming futility of the whole endeavor are leading many to question whether the War on Drugs is justifiable. This war is being waged against a concept and not an enemy, which guarantees unlimited funding and an unlimited time period with which to fight it. Not only is it unethical for the government to specify what chemicals citizens can and cannot place into their own bodies, the massive resources funneled into this futile operation would greatly benefit other areas of human society. 87 million people over the age of twelve have used illegal drugs, making this war on a concept virtually a war against the citizens of the United States (Cole, par. 14). The majority of resources devoted to the war on drugs are for law enforcement purposes, ignoring the underlying problems of addiction within the consumer culture in which we live. In the words of Thomas Jefferson, If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be a sorry state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny (Shulgin 28). Jack Cole is a retired New Jersey state police lieutenant who spent nearly fourteen years working as a narcotics officer. Over the course of his career, Jack evolved from a true believer in the War on Drugs into the co-founder of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition or LEAP. LEAP, as the name states, is an organization consisting of former police officers, judges, district attorneys, retired DEA, etc., who lobby for drug legalization (Cole, par. 1). Jack believes the War on Drugs is unjustly destroying millions of Americans lives every year and that the war itself is primarily responsible for many of the drug and drug related societal problems (par. 2). For example, by declaring certain drugs illegal one creates a black market and artificially inflates the price of these inherently non valuable products. Where there is demand there will be supply, especially for a ridiculous profit margin such as 17,000%, as Jack states (par. 7). These profits fund illegal organizations, such as Al Qaeda and organized crime, as well as contribute to local violence as seen in gang disputes over drug peddling territory (par. 7,20). Mr. Cole cites several compelling statistics. Tobacco kills 430,000 Americans per year, Alcohol 110,000, and all illegal drugs combined kill less than 12,000 people per year (par. 9). The US government spends 69 billion dollars per year in the War on Drugs and arrests 1.6 million on non-violent drug offenses (par. 9). Mr. Cole raises the valid question as to whether these monetary and human expenses are justified in combating illegal drugs while approximately 540,000 deaths are attributed yearly to legal alcohol and tobacco consumption (par. 9). A key question in considering the war on drugs is that of how much freedom an individual should have. John Stuart Mill addressed this question in his seminal work On Liberty. Mill was of the persuasion that the sole end for which mankind are warranted, individually or collectively, in interfering with the liberty of action of any of their number isà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ to prevent harm to others. His own good, whether physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant (LaFollette 290). By this definition, the notion of victimless crime is moot. With no victim, there is no crime. This is a major point of contention among many because humans do not live their lives in a vacuum, virtually every action affects someone else in some way. Another important aspect to consider is the notion of harm. Who exactly is being harmed by drug use? If it is the drug user that is harmed, according to Mills views we have no right to prevent a rational human being from performing this action, even if the action itself is irrational. If there is sufficient evidence that drug use directly harms others, that is a justifiable reason to prohibit societys actions. Many in favor of prohibition cite many ways in which drug use harms others, such as drug use increases crime, child abuse, spousal neglect, accidents, and non-productiveness. The problem though, is that drug use does not directly cause these harms, rather it increases the risk of these harms. Rape and murder are always wrong because they always harm someone else by definition. Drug use is more slippery, not every user harms others and no user always harms others. We must decide if the likelihood of a few users to sometimes harm others is justifiable reason to ban all drug use. This is much like the decision we have already made concerning the risk of gun ownership. James Q. Wilson is an academic political scientist and President Nixons appointed chairman for the National Advisory Council for Drug Abuse Prevention (NACDAP), the forerunner to the modern DEA. Wilson is a firm supporter of the drug war, arguing that the expenses that would be incurred from legalization far outweigh any expense of the current drug war (297). He claims that the notion of drug use being a victimless crime is absurd, that society is not, nor ever has been, composed of autonomous beings (297). In his view, drug use is wrong because it demoralizes people, is contrary to human goodness, and degrades society as a whole (297). Wilson is combining a form of cost-benefit analysis utilitarianism with his evaluation of the virtues of drug use. A counter to this point of view is seen in the writings of Thomas Szasz, a professor of psychiatry at the State University of New York. Szasz thinks that when the Declaration of Independence states all men, meaning rational adults, are entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, this includes the liberty to self medicate with drugs (White 279). His view is reminiscent of Mills statement that Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign (LaFollette 290). The factors of addiction and danger are thought to have no bearing on the argument, that self harm is not a justifiable liberty limiting principle (White 279). Freedom is and always will be more valuable than safety. In the words of Benjamin Franklin, Those who can give up essential liberty to attain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety ( Speaking of liberty limiting principles, Szasz is speaking from a standpoint of the harm principle, or the idea that law may only rightly restrict an individuals actions if they directly harm another (Mackinnon 233). As mentioned previously, this originated with J.S. Mill. There are other liberty limiting principles to consider though, such as the social harm principle which claims that the law may prevent an individuals actions if they do harm to society itself (234). In a free market society, anything that erodes competition may be justly outlawed. This may partly provide reason for declaring marijuana illegal due to the fact that the top ten drug companies account for more than 50% of Fortune 500 profits and according to Dr. Claudia Jensen, a breast cancer specialist, 80% of prescription drugs could be replaced by cannabis (American Drug War). This would seriously erode the market because cannabis can be grown virtually anywhere as is seen today with its cultivation in areas rangi ng from backyards to bedroom closets. Another way in which drugs may violate the social harm principle is in their alleged degradation of the family. William J. Bennett, a former drug czar under the Bush Sr. administration, states that not only do drugs harm the users, but also hurt parents, they destroy families, they ruin friendships (Bender 52). If family structure is deemed to be an integral part of societal well being, this argument could stand up under the societal harm principle. There is a risk of committing the post hoc, ergo propter hoc fallacy if sufficient evidence of drug use directly harming the family unit is not produced. Viewing the subject of drugs through a deontological lens produces different ideas altogether on the subject. Firstly, the use of drugs for recreational purposes may very well be breaking Kants imperative not to use oneself as a means to an end. Second, the highest purpose of a human is to be a rational being and anything that impairs this ability must be inherently bad. Intoxication muddies ones ability to consider situations rationally, hampering ones ability to make a proper moral choice. One could also argue that drug use leading to addiction robs an individual of their autonomy, overriding their free will with a drive for consumption at all costs. Also, in relation to Kants maxim of universalizability, one could without contradiction will it to be a universal law that nobody injects heroin. I think this principle becomes a bit less clear when considering substances such as marijuana though. Virtue ethics are most famously associated with Aristotle and provide a refreshing perspective in relation to drug usage and its legislature. By not focusing on the act itself or the assumed consequences of the action, virtue ethics focuses on the character of the agent. Aristotle also does not distinguish between morality and politics because the two are intertwined (Christie 56). Politics are meant to populate society with citizens of good character (56). By employing the golden mean as mentioned in Aristotles Nichomachean Ethics, we can hope to arrive at a balance between two extremes. Additionally, Aristotle also takes into account contextual factors such as our willingness to do the right thing, to the right person, at the right time, and with the right motives. The two poles of our current situation in regard to drug usage are absolute prohibition and complete legalization. The associated virtues of these positions could be conservancy and liberalism. I think a strategy of legalization and control would best fit the situation as a golden mean. Can condoning drug use be a virtue though? It is virtuous to promote virtue and vicious to promote vice. Through prohibition we are greatly contributing to empires built on vice and adding to the already ample surplus of human suffering in the world. Maybe it is not condoning drug use, but having compassion for the suffering of others and seeking to minimize that suffering. In conclusion, after conducting my research I am still of the opinion that the War on Drugs is ethically wrong. I have learned many disturbing things involved with the prohibition of chemical substances. Prisons are being privatized, which is good for expense optimization but creates a profit motive to incarcerate people (American Drug War). Their stock is sold on wall street based on how many people are in jail (American Drug War). Almost half a million people are in prison or jail due to drug offenses ( The private companies can also use inmates as private property to do work or produce goods the company profits from, which sounds a bit like slavery to me (American Drug War). The number of marijuana arrests is greater than the number of arrests for all violent crimes combined, meaning that if it were to be legalized, many powerful organizations would lose a great deal of money ( Many drugs were banned originally due to reasons of racism, empire bu ilding, and fear (Hooked). The CIA is alleged to have started the L.A. crack epidemic of the 1980s to finance Nicaraguan Contra efforts, with fairly compelling evidence (Webb). Money seems to control everything. The Partnership for a Drug Free Americas biggest funders were alcohol and tobacco companies until they were exposed, now they only accept from prescription drug manufacturers (Males par. 9). Marijuana is in the same DEA schedule as heroin, PCP, and methamphetamine, which is asinine ( Cocaine is not physically addictive nor is MDMA (Eldredge 13). No one has ever died from a marijuana overdose (23). Alcohol withdrawal is on par with heroin, and both are awful (15). Drugs do not consume people, people consume drugs and sometimes allow them to take over. A peyote cactus, which has existed on this earth far longer than humans, is not an inherently bad thing yet it is a schedule I offense to grow one in your front yard. I do not think that drugs should be sold from vending machines on the street corner, but under prohibition they virtually are, except not from vending machines. By declaring these substances illegal we are ceding any amount of control we might be able to exert over a wide range of powerful and potentially dangerous chemicals. People will consume whether society says they can or not, in ever more innovative and industrious ways. The current era of synthetic drugs capable of being manufactured in a bathroom is due in part to prohibition of less harmful substances. It is cheaper and easier to make your own supply with stuff you bought from Walgreens and Home Depot. Seeking altered states of consciousness seems ingrained in the human ps yche. Our current efforts with this war against drugs have only served to amplify the negative effects drugs have on society. Legalization and control, much like we do with alcohol and tobacco, seems to me to be the golden mean of this situation. I do not think people should use heroin, but I also do not think I have a right to force them not to in the privacy of their own home nor that we are helping anyone by making it illegal. We should stop this madness now, there is an almost infinite variety of substances that exist now or are mere potentialities that will inebriate a human being. We are seeing this across America today with the rise in popularity of incense that has been sprayed with a synthetic cannabinoid agonist and sold for $20 a gram. We are like Don Quixote battling an enemy that does not exist while the real enemy is inside ourselves. If we devoted as many resources as we funnel into the drug war toward education, research, and endeavors to better understand ourselves and the world that surrounds us, society would without a doubt have a better tomorrow.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Noble :: essays research papers

â€Å"Are children noble savages, naturally pure and innately good, or are they just savages, lovable savages.† I think that Barbara Lerner argues that all children have some good and evil in them. It’s just to see who they grow up with and which crowd they hang around with, but sometimes its not the crowd they hang with it might be there parents, teachers, people at school. Evil is within us all. â€Å"The darkness is out there, not in us.† I don’t think thats really true in some cases. Children are a portal to our past, and through experience they become our present and future.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the book The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Hester Prynne had an affair with Arthur Dimmesdale. Hester in result was pregnat with a baby girl whom she named Pearl. Pearl is the symbol of Hesters public punishment for her adultery. Which would be considered evil to the Puritan since she had some demon like traits. So she had evil traits does it really matter to me it doesn't matter at all cuz some people say THaet i m evil but really i m not so yea It's a good vs evil in this short paper. So hehehe hahaha I m evil I m the devil. â€Å"Are children noble savages, naturally pure and innately good, or are they just savages, lovable savages.† I think that Barbara Lerner argues that all children have some good and evil in them. It’s just to see who they grow up with and which crowd they hang around with, but sometimes its not the crowd they hang with it might be there parents, teachers, people at school. Evil is within us all. â€Å"The darkness is out there, not in us.† I don’t think thats really true in some cases.

Pearl as a Symbol in The Scarlet Letter :: Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter

Pearl as a Symbol in The Scarlet Letter In Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, Pearl, is a symbol of sin and adultery in the sense that she leads Dimmsdale and Hester to their confession and the acceptance of their sins. A beauitful daughter of the towns adulturist has somtimes demon like traits. She is also the only living symblol of the scarlet letter "A". In another way Pearl also makes a connection between Dimmsdale and Hester. Initially Pearl is the symbol of Hesters public punishment for her adultery. As the novel progresses and Pearl matures she symbolizes the deteriation of Hester's like by constantly asking her about the scarlet letter "A". Pearl in a sense wants her mother to live up to her sin and, she achieves this by constantly asking her about the scarlet letter. Another peice of evidence that shows how Pearl symbolizes the sin Hester has committed, is when the town government wants to take Pearl away from her Revrend Dimmsdale convinces the government that Pearl is a living reminder of her sin. This is essentialy true, Hester without Pearl is like having Hester without sin. Pearl is not only a symbol of Hester but also a symbol to Dimmsdale. Pearl will not let him into her life until he accepts his sin. She wants him as a father but will not let him until he will not hide his sin in public. Pearl knows that Dimmsdale will not be seen holding her hand in the public eye and this bothers her. She asks her mother, " wilt tho promise to hold my and thy mothers hand to-morrow?"(105) As we reach the finally of the story Dimmsdale confesses his sin and he has a sense of happness and self peace almost immedietly. Pearl has longed for his public love and affection and in the closing scenes she receives it. Pearl as a Symbol in The Scarlet Letter :: Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter Pearl as a Symbol in The Scarlet Letter In Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, Pearl, is a symbol of sin and adultery in the sense that she leads Dimmsdale and Hester to their confession and the acceptance of their sins. A beauitful daughter of the towns adulturist has somtimes demon like traits. She is also the only living symblol of the scarlet letter "A". In another way Pearl also makes a connection between Dimmsdale and Hester. Initially Pearl is the symbol of Hesters public punishment for her adultery. As the novel progresses and Pearl matures she symbolizes the deteriation of Hester's like by constantly asking her about the scarlet letter "A". Pearl in a sense wants her mother to live up to her sin and, she achieves this by constantly asking her about the scarlet letter. Another peice of evidence that shows how Pearl symbolizes the sin Hester has committed, is when the town government wants to take Pearl away from her Revrend Dimmsdale convinces the government that Pearl is a living reminder of her sin. This is essentialy true, Hester without Pearl is like having Hester without sin. Pearl is not only a symbol of Hester but also a symbol to Dimmsdale. Pearl will not let him into her life until he accepts his sin. She wants him as a father but will not let him until he will not hide his sin in public. Pearl knows that Dimmsdale will not be seen holding her hand in the public eye and this bothers her. She asks her mother, " wilt tho promise to hold my and thy mothers hand to-morrow?"(105) As we reach the finally of the story Dimmsdale confesses his sin and he has a sense of happness and self peace almost immedietly. Pearl has longed for his public love and affection and in the closing scenes she receives it.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Hybrid Cars :: essays research papers

Hybrid Cars There are two configurations for hybrid cars. The first configuration uses gasoline engine to run a generator. The generator supplies electricity to the motor, which drives the wheels, which allows the gasoline engine to run constantly while achieving optimum fuel efficiency. This thereby minimizes emissions owing to incomplete combustion. A hybrid car with parallel configurations uses both an engine and a motor to drive the wheels depending on driving conditions. "A hybrid car is an automotive equipped with two or more sources of motive energy" ( Hybrid cars use both gas and electric. The gasoline engine is the primary source of power, while the electric motor is used at low speeds. Emissions levels are reduced because the gasoline engine shuts off at low speeds. An additional benefit of the parallel configuration is that no outside source of electric power is required because the engine itself generates the required electricity. A Hybrid Electric Vehicle known as HEV have several advantages over traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles: Regenerative braking capability, which helps minimize the energy lost when driving. Engine is sized to average load, not peak load, which reduces the weight of the engine. Fuel efficiency is greatly increased, while emissions are greatly decreased. HEVs can be operated using alternative fuels; therefore they need not be depended on fossil fuels ( Another great thing about these machines is the mpg; on the average, a hybrid car gets anywhe re from 55-70mpg on the hwy. This is what makes the car all worth having. Now all this sounds good, but there are some issues that must be addressed. First of all the prices must come down. The prices for hybrid cars are naturally higher because there are no existing facilities for mass production and both engine and electric motor must be installed. Another downfall is the lack of infrastructure for repair and maintenance. Many of the mechanical problems occurring with the hybrid cars may not be repairable at existing service stations.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Rubenstein-Taybi Syndrome Research Paper

Rubinstein- Taybi Syndrome: A Physical and Educational Perspective Rubinstein- Taybi Syndrome: A Physical and Educational Perspective When speaking of terms of diseases of a rare nature, Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome is a definite mention. According to Joseph G. Morelli, MD, Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome is characterized as, â€Å"a genetic disease that involves broad thumbs and toes, short stature, distinctive facial features, and varying degrees of intellectual disability† (2007). The condition itself is so rare that is occurs only about 1 in 125, 000 newborn babies (Rubinstein, 2012).The cause of Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome can be attributed to a defect in the CREBBP and EP300 genes. The CREBBP gene provides instructions for making a protein that helps control the activity of many other genes. This protein, called CREB, plays an important role in regulating cell growth and division and is essential for normal fetal development. If just one copy of the CREBBP gene is deleted or change d, cells make only half of the normal amount of CREB binding protein (Rubinstein, 2012). The EP300 gene, unlike the CREBBP gene, controls protein development before and after the birth.In many of the cases of Rubenstein-Taybi Syndrome, no mutation is detected in either the CREBBP or the EP300 gene. In these cases, the case is unknown, but it is suspected that another unknown gene is responsible. Diagnosis of Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome can create a serious disadvantage for a student in the classroom, for which a teacher must be willing to accommodate. Immediately after birth, the symptoms of Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome can be present. Some of the more recognizable symptoms at birth include broadening of the thumbs and big toes.Although these are a few of the symptoms, the symptoms appear on a large spectrum, ranging from constipation to an absent kidney. Over 80% of children with Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome have some type of eye abnormality including crossed eyes, cataracts, and tear duct obstruction. Glaucoma may be present at birth or in early life, which can result in blindness if left undetected (Rubinstein, 2012). Later throughout more developmental stages, parents may begin to notice short stature. Once the child begins schooling, the symptoms become slightly more obvious, demonstrating slow development of cognitive skills.Once a child begins to perform tasks such as drawing, coloring, and using scissors, teachers and parents will begin to notice slow development of motor skills accompanied by low muscle tone (Morelli, 2012). These symptoms are also a bit more noticeable because due to RTS, the thumbs and toes on an affected child will broaden beyond normal size, complicating everyday tasks. This will severely limit to what extent a child suffering from RTS will be able to perform in the classroom. Rubenstein-Taybi Syndrome is not inherited by the parents or caused by anything the parents did or did not do while pregnant.Most cases are caused by a single mutat ion in one gene. Rubenstein-Taybi Syndrome almost always occurs in cases where there is no family history of Rubenstein-Taybi Syndrome showing that family history and heredity is not a factor in contracting Rubenstein-Taybi syndrome. Most cases are sporadic and likely due to a new genetic defect that occurs while the baby grows in the womb, which was not passed on by either parent (Morelli, 2012). Consequently, parents with a child with a new mutation generally do not have an increased risk of having another child with the disorder.However, the new genetic mutation will be hereditary and an adult with this mutation risks passing on the mutated gene to his/her children. However, it is unusual for people with the syndrome to become parents. There is no specific treatment for RTS that has been discovered as of yet. Because the disease is genetic, it is impossible for doctors to pinpoint just one area of the body to treat, especially because the disease comes with so many other symptoms . This however, does not mean that modern medical science cannot ease the way of life for a person with RTS.Surgery to repair the bones in the thumbs or toes can sometimes improve grasp or relieve discomfort (Morelli, 2012). With all being said, it is incredible to imagine the difficulty that a student suffering with RTS may face in the classroom. A 1977 case study by Goots and Liemohn compared three children (aged seven to ten) with the syndrome to 15 counterparts with mixed mental retardation (Galera & Taupiac, 2009). In the study, it was found that children with RTS were friendly and more readily social. In addition, the students with RTS were more emotional and excitable.Nightmares were seen more frequently, and the students were more likely to pout. Demonstrating lack of focus in the classroom, the students affected by RTS had short attention spans. Important in development at these ages, the students with RTS faced more difficulties in planning motor acts (Galera & Taupiac, 20 09). Speech problems are present in a large percentage of students. Most individuals have speech delay, but others also have articulation problems. It is not unusual as well, to discover that some students with RTS use sign language as their primary form of communication.Unfortunately for students with RTS, they often times confused with autistic students. References Galera, C. , & Taupiac,, E. (2009). Socio-Behavioral Characteristics of Children with Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome [Abstract]. Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 39(9), 1252-1260. doi: 10. 1007/s10803-009-0733-4 Morelli, J. G. (2007). Disorders of the Nails. In Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics (18th ed. , p. Chap 662). Phildelphia, PA: Saunders Elsevier. Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome. (2012, February 27). Genetics Home Reference. Retrieved March 6, 2012, from http://ghr. nlm. nih. gov/condition/rubinstein-taybi-syndrome

Friday, August 16, 2019

Romanticism in Friedrich’s “The Monk by the Sea”

Darkness, emotions, and mysticism—these are just some of the terms that can be used to describe Friedrich’s â€Å"The Monk by the Sea. † Produced in 1809, this oil on canvass ideally characterizes the period to which the artist belongs: the Romanticism. With its subject, color, style, and theme, the artist successfully evokes the main tenets common during the Romantic Age. Formalist and thematic analyses of the work can lead modern viewers to a better understanding of the work and the message that the artist wants to convey. Brief Background Caspar David Friedrich was a German painter born in 1774 in Greifswald, Germany. Despite poverty, the artist received formal art study from artist Johann Gottfried Quistorp, who conducted art sessions outdoors. Exposure to the local color and environment thus helped the artist master the art of landscape. His paintings, which generally reveal tenets of the Romantic Age, make him â€Å"one of the most important artists during his time. † (Vaughan, 1972, 65). Particularly, as Murray (2004, 338) notes, his landscapes direct â€Å"the viewer's gaze towards†¦ metaphysical dimension†. His seascape titled, â€Å"Monk by the Sea† won admiration even from the 15-year-old King Frederick III Wilhelm of Prussia, whose purchase in 1810 declared the artist’s work as his masterpiece. Analysis of Form A formalist analysis of the painting suggests the artist’s overall craftsmanship. Minimalism best defines the style that the artist employed in his work. Basically, the image of the monk, which appears very minimal and solitary, helps achieve emphasis on the subject. The minimalist use of a variety of colors for the whole background readily implies the contrast between darkness and light that the artist wants to portray. Specifically, the submission of darkness to light or vice versa narrows down the color and texture of the painting. This minimalism of color and structure thus allows the author to present some characteristics ideal to Romantic art. The whole image can be divided horizontally into three different parts, namely, the sky, the sea, and the land. The great expanse of the sky, which covers at least â€Å"five-sixths of the canvass† (Web Gallery of Art, n. d. ), attracts attention considering the light it sheds on the whole image. Through devoting much space to the sky, the artist achieves artistic drama, which is very typical of the Romantic Movement. Specifically, the center clouds where a rich combination of colors is applied, capture the motion of light breaking into the darkness and at the same time the darkness eating up the light. Such drama found in nature suggests some Romantic thoughts that draw out sentimentality from the audience. Depicting the sea with great darkness, Friedrich made it a point to limit this part to at least one-eights of the canvass. This allows the other images, such as the sky, the land, and the monk to take form, while it allows the purpose of showing the location of the monk at the same time. On the one hand, the element of darkness suggests the artist’s tendency to contemplate on the darkness of nature and its mystery. On the other, it also suggests the themes of death and the obscure, which other painters similarly dealt on during this time (i. e. Goya, Delaroix). The monk standing by the sea seems lost and forlorn, thus unable to see the great storm coming. In a description by Marie von Kugelgen, one of Friedrich’s followers, the lady wrote to her friend Friederike Volkmann: â€Å"A vast endless expanse of sky †¦ still, no wind, no moon, no storm – indeed a storm would have been some consolation for then one would at least see life and movement†¦ On the unending sea there is no boat, no ship, not even a sea monster, [which] make the loneliness even more desolate and horrible† (Web Gallery of Art). This clearly shows the initial attention that the work garnered from the public. Widely recognized for the great landscapes he formerly depicted, the artist must have surprised his followers with the dark portrayal of the sea coupled by the view of the monk who seems to submit himself unrelentingly to the vast rupturing sky and the deep dark sea in front of him. Nevertheless, the purchase of King Frederick III Wilhelm helped the work gain much favor it deserved. Later on, Clemens Brentano’s description of the work suggests the acceptance of the work by the public. From the horrible experience the work evoked in Kugelgen, Brentano notes the splendid, infinite loneliness of the monk by the shore (Held, 2003). This shows the public’s appreciation of the work, following its acceptance by the king. In Brentano’s critique, we may note the contemporary viewer’s appreciation of the work, despite the loneliness it presents. This also shows the ability of the viewer to relate to the monk’s experience, thus reflecting the positive attitude toward the theme of death, which other Romantic artists and writers demonstrate in their works. Further to the thematic analysis of the work, one can perceive the artist’s idea of communing with nature. The idea of the monk leaving the monastery in order to enjoy or contemplate the quietness and simplicity of nature strongly suggests a Romantic attitude. However, aside from portraying the greatness of nature, the view also shows that while the Romanticists regard nature as beautiful and powerful, they also view it with â€Å"sensuous nuance. † The dark colors of the sky and the sea imply the coming of a destructive storm. This reflects Friedrich’s attempt to break the usual concept of a beautiful sky at midday. Anticipating the great storm, the audience may feel a certain concern for the monk, some anxiety that destructs quiet contemplation. In addition, the combination of darkness and light yields the artist’s spontaneity and freedom. Since the monk is the only figure meant to appear at vertical angle, the rest of the image appears to be painted with free hand and brushstrokes that conjure at some point with a vanishing effect in the light colors of the sky. Furthermore, the solitariness of the monk asserts the Romantic idea of individualism. Using the monk as subject reveals Friedrich’s attempt to explore on the thoughts and emotions of a common man. Normally looked upon for their wisdom and strength, the image of the monk amid the darkness and light somehow distracts the idea of perfection among the religious members of the society. This characteristic adheres to the Romantic Age by the artist’s â€Å"rejection of traditional values of social structure and religion. (Worldwide Art Resources Web Site, n. d. ) Through the use of nature, the artist reveals the monk’s seeming confusion and loneliness as he casts view at the sea. Although the audience may have different perceptions of the experience that the monk undergoes, the image nevertheless suggests the imperfection in the life of a monk, the loneliness that they undergo, and the need to take part in the usual activity of nature. Centering on a single hero, the w ork portrays the individual struggle of every monk. By making the monk turn his back from the audience, the artist portrays his contemplation. More importantly, however, this portrayal makes the monk anonymous. Depicting a monk in this way makes his experience—his struggles and loneliness—universal in nature. It also suggests the commonness of the place, the scenery, and the emotion, to which viewers can possibly relate. Brentano’s description of the work reflects the artist’s successful attempt to make the meaning universal. According to the author, the scenery allows the viewers to relate to the scene, making one feel that â€Å"one has gone there, that one must return, that one would like to cross over†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This implies that despite the centrality of the work to the image of the monk, the audience can still relate to the contemplative experience that Friedrich depicts. The universality of the subject and the surroundings makes one long to reflect on a similar struggle the audience may have had at certain points in their lives. Another Romantic characteristic that the work reflects is the artist’s interest in the mystical aspect of life, which he portrays through the mysterious and vast skies and the dark sea. As Brentano claims, these evoke mixed feelings, â€Å"from the horror of one viewer, comes a grayness of the other† (Held, 2003, 84). Such combination of emotions that the artist draws from the audience signifies its successful portrayal of the mystical motifs in life, such as the union between darkness and light, the Apocalyptic view of the skies, and the solitude that such a view creates in everyone who witnesses it. Showing the figure of the monk amid the chaotic tendency of nature suggests the mystic relation among God’s creation. Overall, the structure and theme that Friedrich employs in his work consistently reflect valuable characteristics of Romantic art. Up to now, the darkness, emotions, and mysticism that the artist projects through his choice of subject, color combination, tone and structure still provide the modern audience with the same experience that viewers of the painting had in 1809.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Records Management

Both ministry of Education and school generates information on a daily business that plays a role in the daily operation of an institute that are referred to as records. This information generated is also use for projecting and planning purposes. (Managing records at school level). Managing and organization student’s records into a cohesive and efficient might seem like an impossible task, but it depends how much effort is placed in it, that makes it possible. School that properly manages their records meets its legislation responsibilities, aids its administrative processes and ensures that records are stored when needed and destroyed when permissible. As a result, all schools should have records management system in place. Having already note that records are information, there are ten categories of information. Firstly, Action information which would be files that requires immediate response. In an institution, this information would be letters and request transfers. More than likely, action information is one that will benefit the institution so it should be brought to attention very quickly. Therefore, it is normally requested that action information be marked with an urgent sticker. Non- Action information is another category of information. Unlike Action information, Non-Action information is the type that does not require immediate action, but they do require an action. For example, if a new Minister of Education was assigned, then the school receives a letter of this action, there is no need for it to have an immediate response. It is important to note that non-action information is no less important than any other information. Therefore due to protocol and respect, it should be acknowledged. The third category of information is reoccurring information which can be described as data which is based on activities or event that reoccur in intervals. Examples of reoccurring information would be student’s attendance, accounting, assessment results and inventories. On the other hand, another category of information is non-reoccurring which refers to matters that may not recur on a regular basis during the life span of an organization. The fifth category of information is internal information that is generated within the organization. The purpose of internal communication is to enhance communication amongst colleagues so that work can be produce, managed and handle with confidentiality. When a school holds a meeting, this information may use for the bettering of the school. For example, letters from the head of the department to all staff concerning who should and should not be accepted in class for safety purposes. The complete opposite category of information which will be external will be for the use of outside communication. Next, Historical information is data that relates to past events and activities and is usually non action information. Also, future information is data that concern with events to come or take place. The two final categories of information are documented information that refers to information entered onto permanent records and non-documented information which is oral. Records are the evidence of what an organization does externally and internally. (ARMA 1) According to research records can also be defined as a documented proof of a transaction or activity. This may include business activities, contracts negotiations, and business and personnel file. Records are categorized into four categories. Firstly, the most important records which are classified as vital records includes will include a deed for property, contract sales, or budgets of the organization. Next, important records management will include board meeting minutes, financial and operating reports. Third, Useful Records can include product change letter and the least important type of records which is classified as non-essential will include memos like birthday parties and department newsletter. In addition to that, records come in many formats which comprises of physical paper, electronic, media and various databases. Not having a proper system to manage records of a company, business or institution can have a vast on its production. As a result, the world has been modernized with what is known as records management. Records Management can be defined as a systematic control of records throughout their lifestyle. (ARMA 1). The ISO 15489 also described records management as â€Å"the field of management that is responsible for the efficient and systematic control of the creation, receipt, maintenance, use and disposition or records, including process for capturing and maintaining evidence of and information about business activities and transaction in the orm of records. † (ISO 15489). Records Management includes setting policies and standards, assigning responsibilities and authorities, and integrating records management into business systems and processes. Records management in general plays an important role because records are information and assets that holds value for organization. Organization and institutions alike are given a responsibility to manage records to maximize profits, control cost, provide confidentiality, teach effective, and learn efficiently. At the end of the day, effective records management is required to ensure that information needed is retrievable, authentic and accurate. Just like all other business, companies and organization learning institutions are one of the most needed places for a proper and effective management system because they have task of teaching and providing a learning institutions. School records are reproductions of written records than relates to the school itself or students of the institution and they are records that should be kept under strict confidentiality. School records comprises of registers, school’s budget, students medical files, test scores and other valuable data about Administrators, teachers and students that are a part of the day to day running. Some benefits of an effective management are records are more easily identified and protected. An effective management improves storage and retrieval system as well. Next an effective records management increases productivity within the organization and it reduces cost for equipment, space and personnel’s. In the educational facilities specifically, an effective records management can first of all help save lives. Taking a look at the United States for example in a journal article that states evidence is mounting that food allergy and anaphylaxis have been increasing in school age children. It also stated that 16 % of these children have a reaction in school. It has been proven that an allergic reaction can sometimes result in death. If a record of these students health is kept, the school can be alert. Also, if so many children are starting to have this allergic reaction and the statistics continue growing, vendors can be asked to stop providing it. School records can also assist in taking caution with one education. If on a regular basis a child is evaluated for what seem to be a disorder or down syndromes, this child can be given the treatment he or she need to learn effectively. In addition to that, it is also important to manage school records effectively because the majority of the times, school records serve as the historical source. In order words, school records tell the history of the school. School records also supply information needed for outside communication such as school districts or Ministry of Education to process the planning and decision making by heads to facilitate school, staffs and students. Last but least, school records facilitates continuity in the administration of the school which can all be labeled as managing records from an administrative perspective. Though administrators keep more vital records, teachers and staff must also keep records to result in an effective, efficient and productive classroom. Teachers should keep record of parent’s communication, attendance, behavior and students portfolio. If a teacher don’t plan purposes and set up a system that will easier track grades and other important data, retrieving the information when needed will not be easy. Accurate records don’t happen unless they are properly recorded, files, stored, transfer and retrieved. In a classroom to manage records a teacher need three things. This includes a grade book, an attendance log, a student portfolio and a time management plan folder. Good and accurate records management shows when a teacher classes are faring and progress can be seen in children individual progress. Take for example, a record recording a student’s behaving that is evaluated and then sent down to the councilor. The councilor would deal with the matter and progress can be seen in the child’s behavior which will then show in their academic performance. Accurate and good records management in the classroom also makes the pupils aware of the teacher’s productivity and expectations. For example, children will be less likely to accuse the teacher of losing their work, because they witness good records management. Another positive trait of good records management from a teachers aspect is ensuring security for the child which is done by taking a classroom register. This will asses whether the child is attending school regularly and is sometimes used to keep track on compulsory education. In situations like this, a child parent can be called in or forwarded to The police department or social sevices if a child often misses school. Maintaining records is tiring and very time consuming, yet teachers are always left with this burden. Taking note of the vast amount of paperwork they have to deal with, it is sometimes relevant for them to create a simple filing system, to store and make retrieval of valuable document less difficult. There are three mean types of filing sytem use. They are alphacbetic , numerical and subject filing. According to research â€Å"the key element in making records management filing rules effective are consistency and documentation. † (ARMA Records management Quarterly 1) Consistency means rules stay the same from day to day and person to person. When different people use the same records but under different rules or procedures, consistency is said to be evaluated.